Frequent questions

In which countries can it be purchased?

Currently you can make your purchase only in countries of the European Union.

Orders from other countries can be placed from the Koko-Soko shop on Etsy

Are items marked “out of stock” replenished?
Out of stock items will be restocked eventually, but the time it may take varies. In any case, you can contact contact with me and order them made specifically for you, in the size, materials and colors that you want.
Will I receive the same product that I see in the photo?
Yes, always keeping in mind that these types of products are difficult to photograph, since the crystals have colored shine that is sometimes difficult to capture. Additionally, as these are handmade products, there are likely to be minimal differences in the finish.
How do I use my discount code?
Inside your shopping cart. You just have to check the “Discount coupon” box that appears below the products you have chosen and enter it, respecting upper/lower case letters, spaces and symbols.
How can I receive information in my email about Koko-Soko news and offers?
By simply clicking on the subscribe button at the bottom of the page, you will receive information about the latest news and special discounts for subscribers when available.
Can I unsubscribe from the Koko-Soko Newsletter?
Clear! In the email with the Newsletter you can unsubscribe easily. Simply click on “I want to unsubscribe” at the end of the email.
How do I recover my forgotten password?
If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it from the “My account” section. You will receive an email with your new password.
How I can make sure I made my purchase?
Once your order is placed, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive it, do not hesitate to contact contact with me.
When will I receive what I ordered?

As stated in the information section on shipments: Orders are prepared in 1 or 2 business days and are sent by registered mail with Correos and take between 2 and 3 business days to arrive in the Iberian Peninsula. For Ceuta and Melilla the transit will be 3-5 days. For other countries in the European Union it can take up to a week and a half.

In the case of ordering personalized pieces, it will depend on the manufacturing time, and may take up to a month to arrive.

Can I remove an item from my order?

From your shopping cart you can eliminate the items you do not want by clicking on the red cross, as long as you have not processed the order. If this is the case, you can exercise your right of withdrawal. More information

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